Matt and Heather Hiking in Dodo Canyon on the Canol Heritage Trail

When you partner with us, your organization will benefit from our well written articles and great photography on the blog, social media channels and/or your media outlet of choice. 

Read on to see how our readers align with your ideal market.

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  • 492 Users/Month (January 2020)
  • 591 Sessions/Month (January 2020)
  • 971 Pageviews/Month (January 2020)

452 Email Subscribers


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Industry Standard *



Reason2Roam Subscriber



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33.5k monthly viewers

Target Audience Demographics

Our Target Audience is Women and Men between the ages of 24 - 64 from Canada and the United States of America. Our audience likes to travel and is looking for adventurous ideas for their vacations. 

Demographics Overview
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User Interests

Demographic Interests

Past Partnerships: Uncruise Adventures

Blog Posts:

Sample Social Media Posts:

Uncruise Instagram
Uncruise Facebook

Past Partnerships: Visit Mobile Alabama

Blog Posts:

Sample Social Media Posts:

Mobile Facebook Posts

Past Partnerships: Big Agnes Tents

Blog Posts: 

Sample Social Media Posts:

Big Agnes Tweets

Reader Feedback

"Matt and Heather were fantastic resources… not only did they provide insight into interesting places, they also gave me some heads-up advice about how to be safe, travel smart and on a budget. I couldn’t recommend their advice enough! " Patrick R - 22 yrs old

"I wanted to go to see the gorillas after reading your post about it - that's what inspired me to plan my trip to Africa!" Heather C - 50 yrs old 

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